Semaglutide is the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Ozempic® and Wegovy® that has helped thousands of people lose and maintain weight loss in combination with diet and exercise. Glo Medical Aesthetics offers compounded medications.

At Glo, we schedule you with our Nurse Practitioner, Kristin, for a 30 minute consultation. At this consult you will go through your medical history to determine if you are a good candidate. Patients who are underweight will not be considered for treatment. At this consult orders will be written for a panel of blood work. Once the blood work has been viewed by Kristin she will contact you to proceed (1-3 days)

From there you will meet weekly with our Nurse, Jane, who will administer the shot. The shot is painless and the appointment takes less than 5 minutes. Most clients choose a consistent day of the week to come in for there dose. You will start at a very low dose and move up about every 4 weeks.

How much does it cost:The initial Nurse Practioner intake and blood work is $300, after that the monthly cost is $500

How much weight will I lose: In Novo Nordisk’s clinical trials, study participants with Type 2 diabetes took about 40 weeks to lose an average of 14 pounds taking the 2 mg dose of Ozempic. People who took 1 mg of Ozempic lost an average of 12.5 pounds.

Will I feel sick: Some people do experience nausea, as it is one of the side effects. However, we do hope to alleviate that feeling by gradually increasing your dose.

Do I have to take it for the rest of my life: No. Many people choose to go off semaglutide once the reach their goal weight.

How often so I come in: Once a week

What if I miss a week: You should try to stay on your weekly schedule as much as possible. But if you do miss a week you can resume the following week.

What other side effect will I experience: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are the most common semaglutide side effects. But they usually subside after a few weeks of using the medication. At Glo, we start with a low dose so that your body can acclimate to the medicine and thus reduce the occurrence/severity if these side effects. Although rare, serious side effects are possible. Some may require immediate medical attention, such as pancreatitis and allergic reactions.


Michelle (owner): I have been taking Semaglutide since July 2023. From time to time I’ve had a slight bouts of nausea but nothing serious. In the first 6 months I went from 163 pounds to 140 pounds. Since then my weight loss has slowed but I am now at 135, a weight I was never able to achieve through any other diet/exercise plan. The main side effect for me is that semaglutide has completely erased the “food chatter’ from my brain. Not only do I only think about food when I am hungry I also have found that I drink less alcoholic beverages. All this without any conscience effort.